BOI Reporting Portal

Register your business with ease

Getting Started: Let's see if you need to file a BOI


Almost every business is required to file a BOI report with FinCEN, but some businesses are exempt. It should take 1-2 minutes to answer a few questions to see whether your business is required to file.

My business was: *

  • Formed in the United States AND is an LLC, corporation, or any other entity that was created by filing a document with a secretary of state or similar office
  • Formed outside the United States AND is registered to do business in any U.S. state by filing a document with a secretary of state or similar office
None of the above

My business has *

(Select all that apply)

More than 20 full-time employees in the United States
An operating presence at physical office within the United States
Greater than $5 million in revenue, gross receipts, or sales last year as seen on the company's most recent tax return
None of the above
If your business falls under any of the following categories, you may be exempt from filing with the BOI.
Financial services
  • Bank or Credit Union
  • Accounting firm
  • Money Services Business
  • An Exchange Act registered entity
  • A company regulated by the SEC
Public company
  • Publicily traded company
  • Governmental authority
  • Public utility company
Tax exempt
  • A tax-exempt nonprofit

Does your business fall under any of the above categories? *

Yes, my business falls under one of these categories
No, my business does not belong to any of the above categories

Is your company considered "active"? *

(Select all that apply)

⁠Was created before January 1, 2024
⁠Is not engaged in active business
⁠Is not owned by a foreign person
Has not experienced any change in ownership in the last 12 months
Has not sent or received more than $1,000 in the last 12 months
Does not otherwise hold any kind or type of assets, in the U.S. or abroad, including any ownership interest in any corporation, LLC or similar entity
None of the above

You're almost done!

Please provide the details below to complete your exemption check.

Please enter a valid email address

It looks like you need to file a BOI report!

Based on the information you provided, it looks like your business is required to file a BOI Report in order to stay compliant. Don't worry, We can help you save time and enjoy peace of mind by securely and accurately filing your report with FinCEN. Here's how it works:

Choose the plan that's right for you

Answer a few simple questions about your business

Add your beneficial owners so that we can reach out on your behalf

Review and submit your report

It looks like your business is exempt and may not need to file a BOI report

Your responses indicated your business is exempt from BOI filing because it is not a Reporting Company as defined by FinCEN

Your responses indicated your business is exempt from BOI filing because it is a large operating company as defined by FinCEN

Your responses indicated your business is exempt from BOI filing because it is a regulated entity as defined by FinCEN

Your responses indicated your business is exempt from BOI filing because it is an inactive entity as defined by FinCEN

If you belive you answered any of the questions incorrectly, you can click the button below to review and change your answers.